Our fourth Tibetan Terrier is "Evee" (Togepi Miss Congeniality) she was born 22nd November 2001
Evee is now the Top Dog so-to-speak, and she keeps the youngsters in their place!
she enjoys pottering arond the house, finding the cosiest spot to take a snooze.
She is very loving and always eager to please.
Evee loves a good run on the beach and walk along the promenade with her children Dasher, Rosie & Ruby!
Evee started her show career at 6 months old and has been doing very well, gaining the following;
2002 & 2003
1st MPB at Paignton Champ Show in July 2002
1st MPB & BP at East Of England Champ Show in July 2002
1st Novice Bitch at Bournemouth Champ Show in August 2002
1st Junior Bitch at Manchester Champ Show on the 8th February 2003 - Judge: Ann Arch
2nd Sp Junior Bitch at Crufts on the 9th March 2003 - Judge: Rudy Hubenthal
1st Special Yearling Bitch at Driffield Champ Show on the 12th October 2003 - Judge: Sue Garner
And at Open Shows;
Best Puppy & Puppy Group 2 at Northolt & Wealdstone Open Show in July 2002
1st Junior at Witney & DCS Open Show in August 2002
1st Puppy & 1st Junior & BP at Lincoln & DCS Open Show in October 2002
BP at Cheltenham & DCS Open Show in November 2002
BPB & 1st Novice at TTBOC Open Show in November 2002
1st Junior at Bridgend & DCS Open Show in January 2003
1st Junior & RBOB at Hinckley & DCS Open Show in February 2003
1st Junior at Sheffield & DCS Open Show in March 2003
1st Special Yearling Bitch at TTA Open Show in April 2003
1st Special Yearling Bitch at TTA Open Show on the 3rd August 2003 - Judge: Lesley Russell
1st Graduate & RBOB at Thame Open Show on the 18th September 2003 - Judge: B.Cadogan
Evee, after completing her maternal duties, returned to the show ring in the summer of 2004,
she has started her show career again with pleasing results.
Evee gained her KCGC Bronze Award at the TTA Summer Open Show on 8th August 2004
She then went onto gain her KCGC Silver Award later that very same day!
1st PG Bitch at Leeds Champ Show on the 25th July 2004 - Judge: Anne Matthews
2nd PG Bitch at SKC Champ Show on the 31st August 2004 - Judge: Ken Sinclair
1st PG Bitch at Richmond Championship Show on the 11th September 2004 - Judge: Mark James
1st PG Bitch at Belfast Championship Show on the 25th September 2004 - Judge: Roger Bayliss
Evee has been taking a break from the show ring during her maternal duties
but she has now decided to return to the show ring!
Evee gained her Silver K.C.G.C award for the second time!
At the T.T.A & T.T.B.O.C Tibetan Terrier Funday on the 3rd August 2008.
2nd in Open behind her son Dasher at Sheffield & District K.A Open Show on the 25th August 2008~
under judge: Jeff Horswell.
VHC in Limit Bitch at Darlington Championship Show 2008 on the 12th September 2008 under judge: Mark James.
1st in Limit Bitch at T.T.B.O.C Open Show on the 5th October 2008 under judge: Norman Yates.
2nd in AV Veteran at Sleaford & District C.S Open Show on the 27th December 2008 under judge: Mike Vincent
1st in AV Special Veteran & Best Utility Veteran at Huddersfield C.A Open Show on the 31st January 2009
under judge: Keith Storey.
Reserve in Veteran Stakes at Matlock & District C.S Open Show on the 21st February 2009
under judge: Yvonne Pearson.
2nd in Veteran Bitch at the Tibetan Terrier Association Open Show on the 11th April 2009
under judge: Nicola Hall.
2nd in Open & 2nd in AV Utility at Colne, Nelson & District C.S Open Show on the 19th April 2009
under judge: Dorothy Stirzaker
3rd in Veteran Bitch at the Tibetan Terrier Breeder & Owners Club Championship Show on the 3rd May 2009 ~
under judge: Torbjorn Skaar (Sweden) todays win gives Evee her Qualification for Crufts 2010!.
2nd in Open at North West Canine Association Open Show on the 4th May 2009 under judge: Ruby Adey.
Best Adult & Best Dog in Match at Harrogate & District C.S Match Night on the 4th May 2009 ~
under judge: Charlotte Haneskog.
Reserve in Limit Bitch at Birmingham National Championship Show on the 10th May 2009 under judge: Elina Haapaniema.
1st in AV Utility Veteran & Best Utility Veteran at Redditch & District C.S Open Show ~
on the 16th May 2009 under judge: Pam Mottershaw.
2nd in Open at Chester City & County C.S Open Show under judge: Mr.B.Watson also ~
Evee won Reserve in the Veteran Stakes under judge: Mike Gadsby on the 31st May 2009.
1st in the Veteran Stakes at Border Union Championship Show on the 21st June 2009~
under judge: Mrs D. Arrowsmith
1st in Open under judge: Pauline Gent & Reserve in a class of 20 dogs in the Veteran Stakes under judge: Mick Taylor~
on the 4th July 2009 at Harrogate & District C.S Open Show.
Best Adult & Best Dog in Match at Harrogate & District C.S Match Night on the 6th July 2009 ~
under judge: Margaret Raper.
2nd in Open under judge: Vanessa Cox, also 2nd in A.V Veteran & 2nd in A.V Open Stakes on the 19th July 2009~
under judge: Donita Johnson at Wombwell & District C.S Open Show.
1st in Veteran Bitch & Best Veteran in Show at the Tibetan terrier Association (Summer) Open Show 2009 ~
under judge: Pauline Bentley.
2nd in Veteran Bitch at Manchester Championship Show 2010, on the 22nd January 2010 ~
under judge: Barbara Stringer, todays win gives Evee her Qualification for Crufts 2011!
VHC in Limit Bitch at W.E.L.K.S Championship Show 2010, on the 24th April 2010 ~
under judge: Cheryl Johnson.
2nd in Veteran Bitch at T.T.B.O.C Championship Show 2010, on the 2nd May 2010 ~
under judge: Ashley Reid (Australia).
2nd in AV Veteran at Westmoreland C.A on the 5th June 2011 under judge: Les Aspin.
1st in AV Veteran and went onto win Best in Show! at Fylde Kennel Association Limited Show ~
on the 16th June 2011, under judge: Julie Condron.
3rd in Open Bitch at Border Union Championship Show, on the 19th June 2011 under judge: Jane Lilley ~
the above win gives Evee her Qualification for Crufts 2012!
1st in Veteran at Blackpool Championship Show under judge: Andrew Brace, on the 24th June 2011 ~
she also won 2nd in the Eukanuba Veteran Stakes under judge: Jim Outterside!
2nd in AV Veteran at Harrogate & District DCS on th 13th August 2011 ~
she also won 2nd in the Memorial Stakes in a huge class of over 20 dogs, under judge: Ernie Patterson.
3rd in Veteran Bitch at Crufts 2012 on the 8th March 2012, wich gives Evee her Qualification for Crufts 2013! ~
~ she also won VHC in the KCGC Bitch under judge David Wallis.
Best in Match at Fylde K.A on the 5th April 2012 which qualifies her to compete for the Dog of the Year in December 2012!
1st in Veteran Bitch & Best Veteran in Show at TTA Open Show on the 14th April 2012, under judge: Jim Hogg.
1st AV Veteran & Best Veteran in Show at Fylde K.A Limit Show on the 14th June 2012, under judge Barbara Highton.
2nd in Veteran Bitch at Blackpool Championship Show 2012 on the 22nd June 2012, under judge: Juliette Cuniliffe ~
~ Evee went onto win 3rd in the Eukanuba Veteran Stakes under judge: Martin Freeman.
1st AV Utility & Best Utility Veteran at Goosnargh & Longridge A.S Open Show on the 7th July 2012, under Judge: Nigel Worth.
2nd in AV Vintage at Annandale C.S Open Show on the 22nd July 2012, under judge: Cath Parker.
2nd in AV Vintage at Preston & District C.S Open Show on the 9th September 2012, under judge: Kathy Gorman.
2nd Veteran Bitch at Darlington Championship Show 2012 on the 14th September 2012, under judge: Cheryl Johnson.
2nd in AVNSC Utility Open & 2nd in AV Utility Veteran at Lancaster & DCS Open Show ~
~on the 30th September 2012, under judge Tom Johnston.
Best Dog of the year 2012! at Fylde K.A.on the 20th December 2012, under judge: Frank Wildman